
Web hosting solutions
and VPS virtual dedicated servers since 2002

English website Worldwide
Site web France FRANCE

Web Hosting
The best performance for your web site

Designed for performance and security
Load balancing (cluster), Fastcgi (Each account is isolated), several versions of PHP, PHP OPcache

Pack netDemo
Free Hosting

Free hosting
To test our web hosting, 10 day trial with no obligation

PACK netDemo

netDemo PRO 3w1
10 day trial with no obligation  FREE

Disk space 10 Go
Unlimited web traffic oui
Domain name
domain name by account 1
subdomain by domaine name 50
Data base
data base MySQL 5.0 / MySQL 5.6 3
maximum size of a data base 250 Mo
email account/domain name 20
disk space 1Go/account
unlimited email redirection oui
unlimited email alias oui
MX/A management oui
schedules data base safeguard oui
daily safeguard oui
daily statistics oui
apache logs oui
Scripting languages
PHP 5.2 (install on request) oui
PHP 5.3 ( phpinfo ) oui
PHP 5.4 ( phpinfo ) oui
PHP 5.5 ( phpinfo ) oui
PHP 5.6 ( phpinfo ) oui
PHP 7.0 ( phpinfo ) oui
PERL 5 ( perlinfo ) oui

RipeRIPE member (Local Internet Registry, LIR) GreenImingo uses green technologies. Your server is Green! Green100% Hosting in France, our own network, servers, switches and routers.
Payment methods offered by Imingo
Payment methods offered

Copyright 2002/2023 Imingo